Would you like to send them together to visit someone or to an event?
If you order a car nanny and send the children together, you will receive a special price.
The campaign TOGETHER IS MORE FUN is a great way for parents to optimise expenses, and for children – to have fun together.
Hobby groups overlap and you cannot be in two places at the same time?
Order a car nanny and the rides of the second child of the same family will be 10% cheaper!
peace of mind – for parents
Affordable, high-quality, and safe.
We will try to become your irreplaceable
and reliable assistants!

We work under a contract: all our employees are responsible for the child.
The driving experience of Kixi Car Nanny is from 5 years, without serious traffic violations. Car Nannies do not have bad habits, they know how to communicate with children. The cars are equipped with children car seats / boosters, we use a seat belt. All cars are serviceable and have passed Vehicle Inspection.
There is no need to adjust the schedule of all family members to the child’s timetable anymore.
You go about your business while the child is in class.
Stay calm: the Car Nanny will help the child get dressed, make sure that he /she is neat and will deliver them home safely. Only from hand to hand.
Kixi car nanny always follows the rules

Always be near the child (except waiting time).

Monitor how the child is dressed, help to dress / undress.

No phones at the wheel! All attention to the road!

Transfer the child only to a known adult appointed by the parents.

To inform that the child has arrived at the place.

Inform about any situations related to the child.

You choose the best for your child
The best clubs, good teachers, but it is not always convenient in time, or it is difficult to get there.

Your schedule does not coincide with the timetable of children’s classes
You need to take time off from work or give up classes. You’re late, you’re nervous – all this fuss is just exhausting.

You don’t have helping grandparents
Yes, such luxury is not available to everyone, and we fully understand you! Sometimes relatives cannot help for health reasons, they live far away or work too.

You have two or more children
The schedule of their classes coincides, it is impossible to be in two places at the same time. Or maybe one of them is just a baby, and you don’t want to take him to public places? To take one, you need to find someone to sit with the other(s). It’s not easy.

You often go on business trips / or plan a vacation without a child
Don’t miss classes because of this! Moreover, there is no need to worry or bother friends or relatives!

You do not have the opportunity to take your child to classes
You are sick, you don’t want to waste time waiting at the children's centre, the car broke down or the bus schedule doesn’t fit.

Kõik oli väga tore, mugav ja turvaline. Kõik väga meeldis, oli supper.
Vahva auto ja meeldiv lõhn salongis.
Soovitan autoga lapsehoidja KIXIt oma tuttavatele.
Сам ребенок в школу не ездит, была срочная поездка Ребенку все понравилось, хотя ребенок изначально был настроен настороженно Остались очень довольны сервисом. Понравилось удобство, гибкость и доступность няни В целом все понятно и все хорошо, однако можно было бы добавить информацию про нянь и снизить цены хоть немного. Если цены будут ниже, то могла бы себе это позволить.
Уже порекомендовала Kixi подругам
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