Annex No. 1 to the User Agreement
Agreement between the User and the Executor for Accompanying the Child
Object of Agreement
- This agreement shall be deemed concluded after payment for the order made on the Agent’s website and confirmation of acceptance of the order by the Executor. The User shall use the website belonging to the Agent.
- The User shall pay for the Executor’s services via the Agent’s website.
- By submitting the order, the User proposes to the Executor to conclude an agreement for the provision of child accompanying services under the terms and conditions specified in the Order.
- The Executor shall coordinate the order on the basis of the submitted Order and provide services under the terms and conditions established by the Order, in accordance with the requirements of the agreement to be concluded with the Agent, strictly in accordance with the User’s comments specified in the Order.
- The Executor shall provide services only personally.
- The User has access to the Executor’s profiles, photos, passport data, car make and registration number.
Rights and Obligations of the Executor:
The Executor is obligated:
- to start executing the Order strictly at the time specified in the Order;
- to ensure continuous monitoring of the Child’s activities; never and under no circumstances to leave the Child alone without supervision; not to transfer the Child to third parties without the User’s direct order;
- to immediately inform the User about all emergency situations that have occurred with the Child during the provision of services (shocks, falls, trauma, malaise, etc.);
- to ensure the preservation of the Child’s property during a joint stay with the Child. In case of discovering forgotten things, to inform the operators;
- to keep confidential data that became known during the provision of accompanying services and that are the User’s family secret (personal data – place of residence, surnames, first names, patronymic names, mobile phone numbers, locations and names of childcare facilities and other data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act);
- If the terms and conditions of the Order do not match those mentioned in the Order, the Executor has the right to refuse to execute the Order.
- Raising, criticizing and moralizing Children is strictly prohibited. The actions of parents shall not be subject for discussion!
Rights and Obligations of the User:
- To provide the Agent and the Executor with exact details about the Order, namely:
– The exact place and time of meeting/transfer of the Child;
– Telephone numbers of the authorized persons responsible for the Child (the person meeting and transferring the Child) (including educators, teachers and other persons who accompany/accept the Child);
– Any other important additional information for execution of the Order.
- To inform the authorized persons about the Executor’s authorizations, as well as about the persons with whom the Executor shall contact within the framework of the execution of the Order. If necessary, to formalize an authorisation for the Executor at the educational institution.
- To instruct the Child to follow safety rules in the car. When driving, the Child must be definitely fastened with a seat belt.
- At the moment of submitting the Order, to inform about all peculiarities of the Child’s health.
- Not to require the Executor to provide services not specified in this Agreement and the Order.
- When making the Order, to take into account possible force majeure circumstances (waiting time for transport, traffic jams, etc.). For the aforementioned reasons, the risk of the Child’s being late to the final point of the route shall be borne by the User.
- Not to make changes to the Order without coordination with the Agent after it has started.
- Not to offer or pay for additional rides that have not been specified in the schedule. Upon discovery of the said circumstance, the Agent has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally, withholding 30% of the Order amount and bank expenses.
Fee for the Service
- The price of the services shall be indicated in the Order submitted on the Agent’s website.
- The User shall additionally pay for the following expenses of the Executor:
– Use of public transport by the Executor and the Child (including taxi);
– The cost of parking the Executor’s car in private parking lots (sports centres, airports, bus and train stations, etc.);
– The cost of driving the Executor’s car on toll roads.
– Waiting time exceeding 10 minutes during the Order shall be fixed.
– Entrance tickets to cultural events.
- The additional expenses specified in clause 2 shall be paid by the User on the basis of the respective receipts presented by the Executor upon termination of the Order.
Liability of the Parties
- The liability of the parties shall be regulated by the legislation in force of the Republic of Estonia.
- During the execution of the Order, the Executor shall be personally responsible for the Child’s life and health, as well as for preservation of the Child’s property.
- Pre-trial dispute resolution within 30 days shall be mandatory.
- Claims regarding the quality of the work shall be accepted within 24 hours after the termination of the Order with respect to which the claim has arisen. The deadline for reviewing such claims shall be 3 working days.
- In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be settled in Harju County Court.